A Look At The Great Male And Female Surveys

The white guy does not work for the KKK. Nor is he a Kappa.

The white guy does not work for the KKK. Nor is he a Kappa.

A friend of mine forwarded me AskMen.com’s 2024 version of their Great Male Survey. And since it’s Friday, I figured what the hell, let’s take a look at some interesting and/or surprising results. Also, this goes in conunction with Cosmo’s Great Female Survey for 2024 as well. Seems that there are some interesting tidbits of knowledge to be found in these survey results.


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For instance, from the mouth of boobs: 36% of women have lied to a man they were sleeping with about the number of sex partners they’ve had. Only 25% of women are completely satisfied with their sex life. Nearly 30% of women are totally unsatisfied, with 8% saying they want more sex. 45% are somewhat satisfied and feel there’s room for improvement.

I can’t lie. I’d assume that percentage would be WAAAAAAAAY higher regarding the number of women who lie about the number of men they’ve done the horizontal polka with. Namely because according to the man survey, 35 percent of men think a woman becomes sexually promiscuous once she hits off bachelor number 10. Perhaps its the same women who are lying are the same women who have made it to number 10. The rest of the women just don’t answer at all. That’s not true at all. Chris Rock teaches us that you can never believe how many men women claim. I think I’ll run with the Chris Rock rule.

What IS interesting thought is this: 49% of men have lied about the number of sexual partners they’ve had. Half as many men as women are completely satisfied with their sex lives, with just 12% of men making that claim. 23% of men say they have no sex life.

I’m guessing those men are lying up. In on way shape or form is hearing a man tell you he’s slept with Toledo going to win  him any points. Though, I suppose if he’s only slept with, say 2 women, he might expand that number to include women he saw nude on Red Shoe Diaries or Cinemax. I’ll just assume once guys hit the sexually promiscuous number of 100 they start to downplay it and claim to be virgins. Yes, that makes sense. And that 23 percent of fellas claiming no sex life? Wow. This gets back to Champs statement last week about women assuming men have slept with more chicks than they really have. Apparently some guys can’t even sleep with free pr0n online.

Regarding dating for marriage: 55% of women say they don’t feel at all pressured (by family, society, friends, etc.) to get married. But 36% of women say they won’t pursue a relationship with a guy unless he’s a potential husband. Approximately 33% of men also will not pursue a relationship unless they feel the woman has wife potential. More than 85% of men firmly believe in the institution of marriage.

It’s interesting to me how a solid two thirds of women aren’t dating specifically for marriage. Sexist as this may sound (and we talked about it the other day) I kind of assumed most women were dating so they could, ya know, get married. The fact that only 36 percent wouldn’t pursue a relationship unless a guy’s marriage material is surprising. I assumed that would be WAY higher. Times they are a changin’.

Dropping the “L” word for panties: Approximately 18% of men have said “I love you” in order to get a woman to have sex with him. Another 20% have never told that lie, but would consider it.

I don’t believe that to save my life. If that number ain’t a solid half then my name isn’t Panama Dontavious Jackson. True story: When I was in my freshman year of college, I was dating this chick who I had yet to see naked. ONE OF HER BEST FRIENDS told me that all I had to do was tell her that I loved her and I’d get the drawz. How trifling a friend was she? And she knew I didn’t love her. We stopped seeing eachother shortly after because I just couldn’t be THAT much of a douche. Either way, I found that number surprising. I guess men aren’t the dogs we’re made out to be.

Bow wow.

Schlonage: 52% of all men want a bigger penis: 30% of men said it would just be to make themselves feel better, while the other 22% said it would primarily be to better satisfy their partner.

I’ve got nothing to say here. Just sharing.

Anyway, check out the survey results. They are actually pretty fascinating in a strip-club-as-research kind of way. Does anything jump out to you? No piranha.

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